we bring to you
3 Elephants
- The Tri-Pachyderm Consciousness Propagation' project CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER
Holy Order of the Lemon
- cut rate freemasonry at its best
blather - fortean gazzetteer
- a swelling directory of paranormalish links
Flann O'Brien
: Often referred to as the first Count O'Blather, George Knowall, Brother Barnabus and most famously as Myles na gCopaleen. And as Brian O'Nuallain
The late
Harry Thuillier
- a talented photographer
FringeWare Inc.
- our hosts and benefactors
Rogue Priest
by Syd Jesus
The Thoth Tarot Deck
by James Reeducks 1930 - 1995
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© 2004 Dave Walsh & Barry Kavanagh